Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 30 - Keeping up

Good morning or Good Day,

How keeping up has helped me shape up!

31 Days of things going on, some wrong, some right, new things to conquer, change, challenge, to figure out, listen to, writing to others (on face book or in pen) it's still writing, appreciating, prioritizing.. you just name it. I need to keep it all up. The more I go back and read the 29 days of change the more I want to do 99% of it all. In some cases, I think it's possible to do all of them on the daily if I had 20 hrs. of time to give up of course.

My life is simple but complicated and I feel by noting these challenges/or/changes down I am keeping up. I have also realized how I can take some of the complicated stuff out. I will recap everything for you in a new few days but for now, I will keep up doing all the good I can.

Have another fantastic day!

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