Since it's a Friday, the first friday to be exact in December I am going to try something new and learn to dance "Bollywood". Dancing like an egyptian has not always been my "forte" and for my entire life cycle of dancing, it has always been latin or hip-hop. But today, why not go out of my comfort zone and understand and figure out what so hip about Bollywood. After a drink or two I will give it a shot. Wish me luck my fellow ballerina's....
As for my progress to date, I still continue re-think things before processing and drinking with biodegradeble straws (downside I've learned they don't do so well in extremely hot beverages) so my coffee needs to cool down first before dipping it in.
For the two followers I have to date, if you want to give me a challenge I am always up for it.
Love Bollywood, now I need to incorporate into Zumba 2012 routines.